Unlearning Old Paradigms for Kingdom Leadership, with Terry Walling, author of Unlikely Nomads

Episode 212: Unlearning Old Paradigms for Kingdom Leadership, with Terry Walling, author of Unlikely Nomads

  Discussion Questions: 1. How does Terry Walling’s personal journey from pastoring to leadership development reflect the larger shifts happening within church leadership today? 2. Walling suggests that the church is at a “defining moment.” What do you think this defining moment is, and how might it reshape the future of church communities? 3. What…

Saudade, Leadership, and Nurturing the Inner Life, with Jeff Crosby, author of The Language of the Soul

Episode 194: Saudade, Leadership, and Nurturing the Inner Life, with Jeff Crosby, author of The Language of the Soul

  Discussion Questions: 1. How does Jeff Crosby’s exploration of the concept of an undivided life resonate with your own experiences as a leader or individual striving for spiritual growth? 2. Jeff Crosby discusses the importance of recognizing and naming our longings as a means of shaping healthy leadership and personal development. Can you identify…